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Terms & Conditions for Courses

All students and parents signing up for courses are expected to adhere to my Terms & Conditions as below.


Payment is due by the given date on the invoice, if there is a problem with making payment by that date then please inform me, I can make allowances. However, if I do not receive payment and do not hear from you, I will assume that the student is no longer continuing the course and will offer the place to someone on the waiting list.


All the courses are recorded, and the recordings are available for a couple of weeks post the live class. I can arrange for older recordings to be available if they are needed, please just ask. There is no problem with students missing occasional classes but, if possible, please can you let me know inadvance of the class.


Classes start promptly at the allocated time, I try to be in the class 5 mins early, to allow students in and so that any issues with connection, audio etc can be rectified before class starts. If students are late then they will be admitted into the classroom, but I am then unable to help if they are having connection issues or to go back over the subject matter that we have already covered.


In the exceedingly rare occurrence that I must cancel a class because of connection issues or an emergency, I will endeavour to find another suitable time for the class or send a recording out of that particular class.

Privacy Policy

As you might know the new European General Data Protection Regulation makes it mandatory for me to disclose what data I hold about you and your child(ren) and how I use it. All students and parents signing up for courses give their consent for the following:
Your personal information will not be passed to any third parties without your explicit consent unless there is a legal requirement for it to be disclosed. Your personal data will be held in a password-encrypted file stored on a password-protected account:

    • Names of student and parent/guardian if applicable
    • Age or school year group of student
    • School/college attended and details of target qualification
    • Address, phone numbers and email addresses of parent/guardian and (if provided) student
    • Anything else mutually considered relevant to private tuition
    • Email addresses and phone numbers are also stored in email and phone contacts, and basic information relating to the course of study is included in planning documents, which are shared with the student on a regular basis. I will also keep a record of student’s assignments and grades, my notes on student’s progress and any e-mail communication regarding students and their work.
    • If a student aged under 18 is emailed, then the parent will also be copied in on the email. Phone numbers will only ever be used for matters directly relevant to tuition.

All of this information is collected solely with the purpose of providing your child with the most adequate learning experience. Your personal information will not be passed to any third parties without your explicit consent, unless there is a legal requirement for it to be disclosed.

You have the right to ask for all information held relating to you to be deleted. Please note, however, that tuition cannot continue after information is deleted and that terms and conditions regarding cancellation remain the same. Unless a client has specifically asked for information to be destroyed, client details will be held on file until the end of the following academic year after a student has finished tuition. Financial data will be retained for seven years for tax reasons. When the information is destroyed, all papers will be shredded to protect the client’s identity and any data held in computer files will be either anonymised or permanently deleted.
Subject access requests: you have the right to see information held relating to this tuition agreement. If you wish to exercise this right then you can do so by making an appointment to come at the beginning of a tuition session.



+44 (0) 7773 333 121

Consent Form

Please tick relevant course

Confirmation of Agreement

14 + 8 =

Please note by completing this form you are agreeing to abide by the Payment Plan, outlined in the course literature and the Terms and Conditions below. You are also indicating you have read and understood the Privacy policy (see below).